Leprosy Information India: Leprosy is a bacterial disease that statistically affects about 4% of any population. It is a bacteria that damages the nerves close to the skins’ surface. It prefers the cooler regions of the nose. It infiltrates several major nerves such as the Ulnar at the elbow which causes clawed fingers. The loss of sensation in fingers, hand/toes and feet is the major cause of deformity in India. Women burn their fingers while cooking as they cannot feel the heat. Men develop blisters while doing labour work and don’t feel the pain.
Leprosy Information India: The story and picture of Leprosy has, and is, changing at many levels, particularly with medical drugs. It is possible to say that even the severest case can be basically cured within two years. The cases that are infectious can become negative in 6 to 12 weeks.

One thought on “Leprosy Information India”
Vasu, This is a really good post, informative and good information in a great medium.