Sponsoring a Child in India: Can you imagine? Can you imagine Sponsoring a Child in India who is challenged?
The New Hope Rural Community Trust UK Board members have decided to move away from the individual sponsorship of children, for many reasons. Including administrative cost. We will send everyone who sponsors a child an update group photo every year and once during the year a child’s drawing with the Newsletter that updates you on the project you support.
We have an urgent need in Muniguda we manage the only Challenged Child Care and Education Home in Western Odisha. Our long term plan is to increase our cow herd and give those older boys and girls a chance to limited involvement – Work based on their ability – To make them and their care self supporting and ongoing. Sponsoring a Child in India – A 12 month commitment of 12 payments totalling £240 GBP, this support plan will cover all of one child’s, food, medical expenses and care for one year.
Sponsoring a Child in India, you can cancel your Sponsoring a Child in India subscription at any time in your PayPal account You will receive a photo and electronic progress updates every three months for the child you sponsor.
Sponsoring a Child in India: Can the challenged young people return to their families? Sadly many of them are orphaned, come from unimaginable poverty line families where villages have no safe drinking water. None of the huts where the children come from have bathrooms or toilets or even taps in a common area. Water is taken from streams or in some places deep wells that tend to dry three months of the year. We accepted the care of these disabled and challenged children out of compassion to ensure their rights to live to the best of their ability and to have medical and social services. They all live in an integrated community – and have their own independent Home – called Namaste House. You can Care for Child with a Sponsorship Donation.
TESTIMONIAL: “I am a physiotherapist and together with Christina Maccullie have been to Namaste House in 2012 and seen the situation. We gave training to very willing staff to improve the children mobility and self managing skills” – Helen Gough, Physiotherapist , UK..