Trustees Visit India, In July two Trustees of New Hope Rural Community Trust visited the New Hope India projects. Eileen Thorpe has been a long time Trustee and make several visits and been keenly interested in the challenged children at Namaste House in Muniguda. Her career experience as a teacher has been a great help to the children. Elizabeth Toon has been several times to our project and did 5 months several years ago as a volunteer Nurse in the Hospice. They came this trip with their grand-daughters Emily and Ellen.
Trustees Visit India
New Hope Hospital in Muniguda is an approved place for performing eye operations for cataract blind under the central Government National Prevention and Elimination of Blindness. Every month the Government District Surgeon and his medical staff visit and perform the operations. The Indian Trust is responsible for the total organization of visually challenged people being identified and coming to the hospital and being prepared for surgery.
Trustees Visit India; In July 2014 two Trustees from New Hope Rural Community Trust in the UK had visits by two Trustees to see this and other UK funded projects. The Trustees were each accompanied with one of their granddaughters. They all volunteered for several days of helping our staff with the aged people who came for surgery. It is offered free by UK funding.
Trustees Visit India; New Hope has been managing the Gandhi Memorial Leprosy Foundation Trust Clinic and Hospital Ward for several years. It is quite isolated and all made a visit there for the day and met patients and gave out Bundles of Love that UK donors have supported.
Trustees Visit India; Love Bundles were distributed to Leprosy Patients during their visit in the Gandhi Memorial Leprosy Hospital.

Trustees Visit India; The Virtual Catalogue on this website became a reality for our visitors; Eileen Thorpe has been a long time Trustee and Elizabeth Toon who is our UK Trust Treasurer and both visited New Hope India several times.
Trustees Visit India; A visit to the garden at the Children’s Community Village Kothavalasa was to see everything green even at the end of summer with the irrigation system working well. Many of the plants and vegetables came from virtual gift donations in the UK. Seeds and Seedlings are also given to Tribal villages in Muniguda area. Trustees Visit India; The Child Sponsorship programme is a key to success to the child in giving the better and high standard education and medical care to the disadvantaged children. (All Trustees visiting New Hope projects in India pay their own airfares and travel and in India and also pay a daily fee for their food and other activities. They pay their own train and other travel costs too)
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